From the very start of everything, if there is no God, then we all have existed by chance. We all just happen to be very lucky that all those random events. If our world started by chance then it will also likely end by chance making living life really meaningless.
All the harmony that exists in the universe are all judged as a product of luck and of chance just because a few humans are so arrogant to not realize that their knowledge and understanding of things are very limited and yet they act as if they are definitely sure of what they are babbling about.
If the entire knowledge of everything in the universe would be as large as our oceans, the knowledge of the most intelligent human would probably fit only a 2 litre bottle. This is why I find most of them arrogant because they seem so sure with the so little knowledge that they hold.
I am sure that the men of science during Galileo Galilei's time were sure that the Earth was the centre of the universe or that the earth was flat that they even resulted to Galileo's excommunication. Today, we have scientists claiming things with certainty but we still obviously don't know what's definitely beyond Pluto or even what's in the deepest parts of our own oceans. We are even struggling with Covid19 and its new variants. We still don't have a cure for cancer. If science was so sure of their capabilities then we shouldn't be scrambling now and what if another variant comes along?
Love is no more than lust
Sacrifice becomes meaningless and being good doesn't make sense
Why would a female endure 9 months to bring someone new into the world and then sacrifice for the next 18 years to make that new person to be a responsible unit of society with some male that she may fight with for those same number of years for various reasons. Why would that new human, when reaching adulthood show the least respect to the mum and to the dad that raised him? He or she can treat them as he/she wishes.
Why would anyone try to help anyone? Life would be reduced to a meaningless rat race and a me-first attitude is the only way that is acceptable. There will be no true friendships and no true relationships as the mindset of everyone is that he or she just gets his or her own needs and wants fulfilled and no one else's.
Happiness in a world without God is solely personal and selfish which in contrast, in a world with, deep and meaningful happiness is about making your loved ones happy.
A world without God is a world where pride, lust, anger, gluttony, sloth, envy and greed will thrive. It is a world that I don't wish to live in. It is a world that I don't wish my children, family and friends to live in.
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