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Showing posts from March, 2022

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Online Summary of the Books of the Bible

    I've been trying to practice my faith for the past 40 plus years and yet I have failed to read the entirety of the Bible. I have trouble finishing books as I get easily sleepy when reading even the best and most exciting novels or piece of literature.   I've thought about getting audio books in Amazon to help with this or try to get more quality sleep with Chilisleep to see if I can stay awake longer but lately, I think I may have found a way to help me with finishing the Bible and it won't cost me a cent.   In Youtube, I've found this video summaries of each of book of the Bible in the Bible Project Channel.  I'm pretty sure that they aren't Catholic like myself but my plan is just get enough of an idea of each of the books, specially those in the Old Testament and then dig in on those that I will find most interesting first and work my way through it that way.  I have subscribed on Youtube channel's Bible Project and I am a fan of their work.  I reall

The wokeness era is worrisome

When I was a little boy, I loved to sing along to this kiddie song about counting from one to ten.  It helped me a lot in learning quickly to count and that is all that mattered to me.  I am not sure if you are familiar with this song but the lyrics are like this: One, little two, little three, little Indian, Four, little five, little six, little Indian, Seven, little eight, little nine, little Indian, 10 little Indian boys I just recently realized that if you mix a little bit of wokeness into it and then the following questions could arise: Isn't this song racist to Indians? Isn't this song demeaning to call Indians little? Isn't this sexist because it excluded girls? If sang by an older person, isn't this encouraging pedophilia? This would be an example of why I think a lot of people are overthinking a lot of stuff nowadays and it sometimes becomes too ridiculous.   ---------------------